
"There are no rules for good photographs; there are just good photographs." ~ Ansel Adams

I'm a Photographer.  It has taken me a long while to say that.  It's a term easily thrown around these days.

I've been serious about photography since 1985.  I studied under three exacting Army Combat Photographers who insisted I learn in Black-and-White.  They told me, "Color takes care of you; you have to work really hard to get a good black and white photo."  You will see that I still prefer it.

I'm a purist - Too many adjustments or additions to an image begin to look like graphic art and not True Photography to me.  I get those of you who do that shit but it's not my thing. 

I like cold and contrasty black and white images and want my color photos to look natural.  I detest the low-saturation photos in today's "professional photography."  Seriously, Make it STOP!

Here are a few of my favorite shots and the stories that go with them.