Family Research
Lee - Johnson
Andrew Lee
My Great-great-great-Grandfather, Andrew is missing in history. My cousin, Elise, is convinced he is the A. Lee who died at the Newport News POW Camp. That's plausible, but with no other corroborating evidence, I am unwilling to say he is.
Private A. Lee, D. Coy, 41st Alabama is listed on the monument. The 41st was raised of men from Pickens, Blount, Tuscaloosa, Perry, Greene, Washington, and Fayette counties, fought in Mississippi, Tennessee, and, by 1864,moved to Virginia. They fought defending Richmond, Petersburg, and at Saylor's Creek.
I assume A. Lee was captured during that time and imprisoned at Newport News.
The soldier in me hopes we've found him. He must have been a stud.
Irene M. Garrison
11 December 2022: The search for Irene
My Great Grandfather Lee, Andrew Thomas married Irene M. Garrison in Choctaw County, Alabama, around 10 May 1901.
My grandfather, Barney Emmett Lee, was born on Tuesday, 5 August 1902.
Irene died sometime after this.
Andrew married his second wife, Donnie Griffith. They are buried together in Tuscaloosa at Memorial Gardens, where Barnie is buried with my Grandmother, Evie Leigh Johnson.
This is also where my Little Brother, Donald Cook is Buried.
I'm searching for documents related to Irene, specifically when and where she died and where she was buried. I'm not having much luck. After an exhausting search of FamilySearch and Find-a-Grave records, I have found no hard evidence. That they were poor farmers after the war is a consideration.
Her father, George Washington Garrison, and her mother, Mary Ann Hillard are buried in Concord Cemetery near Yantly, Alabama. Some of her siblings are also buried there. I believe that this is the probable location of her gravesite.
Other Options:
William Vincent Lee, Andrew's father, is buried at Picken's County Cemetery ( also called Poor House Cemetery) in Carrolton, Alabama. Mom always told me I should visit the cemeteries there, where she said, "I have lots of people." His wife, Mary, "Mollie" Ann White, who died nineteen years after him, should also be there.
Her brother, Eugene Gray Garrison, married Andrew's sister, Addie Blanche Lee. They are buried at New Augusta Cemetery, in Perry, Mississippi. This seems a long way from Yantly - 111 miles.
In 1910, Andrew, Donnie, Barnie, and his half-sister, Bennie Will, lived in Havana, Alabama. There is a chance Andrew moved his family there before Irene passed away, so the Havana cemeteries are strong possibilities, especially, I believe, the Havana Methodist Church Cemetery.
Yantly is eighty-two miles from Havana, a far drive in the early 1900s.
A look at Memorial Cemetery in Tuscaloosa would be prudent.