Notes From The War Room

"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." ~ George S. Patton

My Coffee Bar

I finally have my new espresso machine up and running, or Kady set it up.  I've spent the last three days learning to use it and adjusting to get the best brew.  This morning's brew was damn good.

I thought this was a good way to end 2024, so I immortalized it with my last photograph of the year.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Classic Kady Neel

Today, Kady and I took a two-mile walk.  It was the farthest I have walked since surgery.

It wasn't easy.

With about a quarter-mile to go, Kady asked, "The Buzzards are circling; you OK , Bro?"

So Not Funny.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

American Mediocrity

During the discussion over the Immigration of highly skilled workers, Vivek Ramaswamy had a few choice points about American Culture and Education.

"The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over “native” Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. Tough questions demand tough answers & if we’re really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the TRUTH:Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG .. . . “Normalcy” doesn’t cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent. And if we pretend like it does, we’ll have our asses handed to us by China."

This is nothing new.  

I was privileged to hear Niel Degrasse Tyson speak at a Virginia STEM Conference a few years ago.  His topic was education.

If you look at the Table, you'll see that the United States hasn't discovered a new element since 1955.

He used the Periodic Table to illustrate how the United States is falling behind in Math and Science, stating that this decline is a National Security Issue.  I remember him saying, to a bunch of Cadets, that studying Science Technology, Engineering, and Math is Patriotic.

So, when Elon Musk and Vivek speak out and tell us they must look overseas to recruit brain power we need to listen.  We need to ask, "Why?"  We need to fix it.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Beyonce's Christmas Halftime Show

First Ringo, now This Person.  Here is a shot of Beyonce wearing her Beach Umbrella Hat at the Ravens-Texans game.  No matter how big the hat is, this person's name and cowboy should never be used in the same sentence.

The telling part was when she dropped her hat on the ground so she could do a lot of Hair Shaking.  Disrespectful?  I think so.  But, you've got to have Hair Shaking.  Why did it remind me of the ridiculous head bobbing of the Citadel's Summeral Guard's Commander?

Then, she sang a Beatles song, a typically bad one.  I like this person about as much as I like Serena Williams - not even a little bit.

Ridiculous, Laughable, Terrible.  Forgetable.  O-Ver-Rated!

Thursday, 26 December 2024

505 Coffee

Okay, here we go! ES, AJ, and SGM gave me a Breville Bambino for Christmas. Now, I'm going to learn how to make good Espresso, Cappuccino, and Latte.

I'll need some beans, of course, but I also need milk, which I don't keep around the house.  I'll need some half-in-half to make Grit's "High-Five."

This will take some experimenting but I am up to the task.

Thursday, 26 December 2024


Photo Muse

(Mine has Fallen from Grace)

For Sparking - 

Inspiration, Creativity, and Imagination

Motivation, Passion, and Enthusiasm

O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention. ~ William Shakespeare
Sunday, 22 December 2024

College Football Playoff Selection

This morning, it is evident that the playoff selection committee did not do a good job selecting the lower-tier teams.  SMU and Indiana, maybe even Tennessee, should not have been in the mix.  Alabama, Mississippi, and/or Miami probably should have been.  The issue is the weight they gave in terms of strength of schedule.  The norm in the SEC is tough competition across the Conference every Saturday.  It's a bloodbath.  

Perhaps a three-loss team does get in. 

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Digital Photography Pre-Shoot Cheat Sheet

I give this checksheet to my photography students.  It works for them . . . when they use it.
Saturday, 21 December 2024

Dell XPS 14

It was time.  My XPS 15 is now a Chromebook, which restricts my capabilities.  For travel, I need a Windows computer for Photoshop Elements and linking to my NAS.

I had Kady order an XPS 14/i7/256/16/11Pro.  It should be here on Friday.

I'm going to name it Anne.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Update: Anne arrived today and I have made it mine by uninstalling McAfee, all games, MS Office, shutting down OneDrive backup, and streamlining File Explorer.  I linked to my NAS, loaded Photoshop and Spotify, and set Chrome as my default browser.   Lastly, I signed in to all of my services.

I'm posting with it now.  Anne is a Babe.

Friday, 20 December 2025

The West Point vs. Annapolis Game

Let's get something straight, Ring Knockers.  I do not care about your little game.  You are NOT the Army or the Navy.  I respect that you will serve in uniform after we give you a free college education.  That's all you get.

I am very suspicious of that education.  Of all the West Pointers I have served with, I can count on one hand the number I considered good leaders. Rarely are they willing to listen, take advice, learn from their mistakes, or show flexibility.  Mostly they show up as Second Lieutenants with an "I have arrived" attitude."

As for your little game, college boys, Yawn!  It's Not Real Football.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

This is Kris

Kris is a Moose.

Forgive me.  I get giddy this time of year and this year holds special meaning.  I'm lucky to be here for this one.

Nothing makes me happier than Kady decorating the house for the holidays.  It's a huge muscle movement.  She has a LOT of decorations . . . including my favorite ornaments.

Kady makes everything beautiful.

This year, CE, AJ, and SGM are coming to Charlottesville.  It will be a great start to my new life.

Friday, 13 December 2024

New Life for my Old Laptop

My 20-year-old Dell XPS 15, a Windows 10-only Laptop, Miriam, is approaching when Microsoft will no longer support her with security updates. However, she is still a solid computer.  

What to do, I asked myself.  Do I go back to Linus Mint?  Do I recycle her and buy a Windows 11 computer?  It has been a while since I've given this any major thought, so I searched the web.  I discovered Chrome OS Flex, a Google product, made just for this problem.  This OS lets you turn your old computer into a Chrome Book - a powerful one.

It loaded seamlessly and booted right up. I tested it and then loaded it, wiping Windows 10. Everything is going well so far, except linking to my home Wi-Fi. I'll figure that out today.  I'm linked to Xfinity and can tether to my phone. Since most of my work is browser-based, I have a big advantage when using this platform.  I need to test loading photos from my camera and linking to my NAS.  I know I don't get Photoshop Elements.  Google Photos will be my new friend.  I can't load apps from the Google Store . . . yet.  I read that there may be a fix, soon; Snapseed would be nice.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

New To Me

I realize I'm late to this party.  Spotify is fantastic.

I have been using Amazon Music for so long that I don't remember why I chose it over something else.  I never liked it.  Playing Poscasts was a pain in the ass with it.  Building playlists was difficult.

But, Spotify!  I love it.  After a small learning curve, I've found ways to do things with it that I could never do with Amazon.

So, I built a Boss playlist.  I brought up his old albums, highlighted the songs I liked with Ctrl + left-click, right-click, and added the songs to a pre-designated playlist on the dropdown list.  Amazing.  

Listen to your kids.  Get Spotify.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Oh, Oh, Alabama

"The Devil fools with the best-laid plans" ~ Neil Young

Today, there are THOUSANDS of pissed-off Bama Fans across the country.  Likewise, even more college football fans are happy Alabama hasn't been issued Special Treatment.

Look!  You may be Alabama but you are not THE Alabama.  You have three losses.  Could you beat some of these teams?  I'm not sure.  Neither are you.  If you want in this mix, win all your games like in the old days.

I get it.  You're in the toughest conference.  No excuse.  Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas made it.  You are not that tough or not tough enough.  Hell, you only beat the struggling Auburn Tigers (WdE) by 14 points.

Sorry.  Cheap Shot.  Auburn Fan.  Couldn't help myself.

Sunday, 8 Decembre 2024

The Iron Bowl

I was only partially aware that there was an Iron Bowl this year; I watched it with Kady from my ICU  bed, drugged up and fog-brained.  I remember we lost.  That's all.  Maybe it is a blessing.

Wait till next year.  War damn Eagle!

Saturday, 7 December 2024


After the past few days, though they seemed to last forever, I have come to the solid conclusion that I am Iron Man.

Proof Text:  First Iron Man Movie

Tony Stark, living the high life, doing whatever he wants, is attacked by enemy forces, injured in the chest by one of his own weapons, and captured by terrorists.  He is saved by a brilliant doctor and thrown into a cave where he is tortured and forced to do things he doesn't want to do and eat horrible food.  Tony escapes.  He returns to his life and makes changes, but first - an American Cheese Burger.

In comparison, John, living his best life and doing all his favorite things, is struck down by a narrowed artery, a condition caused by his actions.  He is saved by a brilliant doctor and moved to the Cardiac ICU, a scary place with bright lights, terrible pillows, hard beds, inedible food, and frightening noises. where well-meaning "terrorists" stick needles all over his body and make him take drugs depriving him of the sleep and rest he desperately needs.  He escapes, returning to his girl, life, pillow, good food, and comfortable seats, making the changes he must, but first - Jimmy Johns for a Jalapeno Ranch Chicken Wrap.

I am Iron Man.

Thursday, 5 December 2024


If you have not watched Blitz (Apple TV +) with Saoirse Ronan, Paul Weller, and amazing Elliott Heffernan, Get To It.

It is a beautifully done WWII piece about the Blitz in London and a boy's Journey back to his mother.

It deals with the best and worst of humanity and illustrates The indomitable British  Spirit.

It made the Brit in me proud.

War damn Eagle!

There's my team!  The Auburn Tigers decided to show up and beat #15 TAMU, spoiling A&M's hopes for the playoffs.  Auburn 43 - TAMU 41.

It was a wild ride of great passes by Thorne, tough running by Hunter, and ariel acrobatics by Coleman and Lambert-Smith.  Our new kicker, Vachon, played his part, with two critical field goals, after shanking an easy one earlier in the game.

Texas A&M showed a lot of guts coming back from a 21-point Auburn lead.

And . . . I missed the end.  I went to bed when my heart rate began to rise.  Safety First.

In weird news, Oklahoma beat Alabama.  They are out of the playoffs, too.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

"The Best Article I've Read Lately

Cormac McCarthy’s Secret Muse Breaks Her Silence After Half a Century: “I Loved Him. He Was My Safety.” ~ By Vincenzo Barney

"Two eyes are not sufficient for a sunset in the West. That’s because there is more than one sunset, more than can be seen in a single field of vision. After a monsoon, the sky is Sistine. To the west, lightning races the tousled embroidery of clouds in pink gilt. Turning on my heels, there are Iliads and Edens of violet cloudwork parted by the slimmest blue streamlets of sky. Soon the mountains will be darkened and skimmed of all their reddened lilac, and they will stand like glowing geometry against the sunset’s final yellow. It is all daubed in a nimbus around the muse, like a painting that is still wet, still open to being blended. "

Saturday, 22 November 2024

It's Art, damnit!

Under the heading "People will Believe Anything," a banana duct-taped to a wall was sold at Sotheby's for $5.2M, plus a $1M auction house fee.  Since this piece of "art" is perishable, the buyer bought a certificate allowing him to tape a banana to a wall and call it "Comedian." 

Watch!  The buyer will make a shit-load of money showing his renewable art.  People will pay to see it because they've been told it's Art.

I think I'm going to begin taping fruit and vegetable to walls and calling them fun names like Gullible, Idiot, Dumbass, and No Common Sense.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

My Next Coffee Shop

In the show Landman, the men stop for coffee at a little place called Babes N Brew.  Behind the counter is a beautiful bikini-clad girl serving the coffee.  I wondered, "Is this real?"

Knowing how Taylor Sheridan likes to include real elements in his shows, I searched for -  "Babes N Brew, Midland TX."  The first result was Boomtown Babes Espresso in Odessa, a "lingerie-themed coffee chain founded in 2013."


Now to plan a trip to Odessa.  Who's in?  We'll be well outside the Politically Correct Zone, so bring Alcohol; this is going to take courage.

Sunday, 17 November 2024


Billy Bob does it again!

Paramount + dropped Landman today.  I began watching this morning, first thing.  I love me some Billy Bob Thornton and this part is perfect for him.  The story is solid with a great cast of characters introduced by Sheridan so that you get to know who is who straight away.  If you aren't watching, get on it!

Highly Recommend.  Not PC.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Auburn Wins

Auburn beat Louisiana Monroe today.  That is nothing to beat our chest about though everyone seemed to think it was a big victory.  I am unimpressed.  Next, we play Texas A&M, then Alabama.  Let's see how well we do there.

I thought ULM played us well and showed a lot of character.

Saturday Afternoon, 16 November 2024

And You Thought Nothing Could Top The Election

Thank the gods I have lived long enough to see this.

Ringo Star, the least talented of the overly-hyped bubblegum group The Beatles, is releasing a "Country" album.  Look!  He even bought a cowboy hat.

This is going to be great.  I'll get years of material to help me continue ridiculing him and the Fake Four.

He's released his first song, Time on My Hands, trying to sound like Willie Nelson.  The Tune and Lyrics are simplistic, like most of his songs, and, surprise, it's all about lost love.  You can't have a Country song without some lost love.

His second release, Thankful, is what I would call "generic."  So boring.  Even Alison Krauss singing backup can't save it.

I can only imagine his next songs will include catchy phrases and words like, dirt road, tank top, Chevy, pickup, pickup truck, bed of my pickup truck, beer, whiskey, tequila, and beach to attract teen country fans.

Ringo, Buddy!  Have some self-respect.  Take off that hat, stop dying your hair, and remove the safety pin from your ear. You're 84.  You look ridiculous.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Getting the Band Back Together

Kady and I linked up with these three for my grandson's senior portraits.  Bee set it up with me, Kady invited Jay.  It turned out fun

JK was cool and up for almost every suggestion that I gave him.  There were times when he'd nix some poses.  We kept it simple.  He needed one good color shot for the yearbook, waist-up, cropable to 2" x 3", and 300 dpi.  The format was supposed to be .jpg.

I put the Bee-approved shot on my Photo Page.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

On Web Sites

Let's go back to simple sites that are easily navigated and information-friendly.

Websites have become ridiculous distractions to the information-gathering process.  Not all sites, mind you, but the ones that are hard to navigate.  To be catchy or interesting, designers add frills - Floating Banners, Image Carousels, Ads, and Pop-ups.

Have you ever been to a restaurant site looking for a menu, only to be inundated with information on the chef's "vision" and other secondary information?  Finding the address and phone number should also be easy. Have you ever been listening to your music and hit a site with a soundtrack?  The Worst!  Automotive sites are probably the worst.

Stop the nonsense!  Put your Mission Statement and critical information where it is easily found.  Remember - Bottom Line Up Front!  Keep it Simple!

Try out Google Sites.  It has all you need, easy to learn, and is free.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Ain't This Some Shit

I didn't want either of the two choices to be President.  That Donald Trump has been elected a second time, I believe, simply shows how bad our choices have been since Obama.

I do not like the man; I think Trump is a putz.  I've always said he could be a great president if he would shut his big mouth.  His policies are solid.  He'll have a friendly Senate and House, so he should be able to get a lot done if he is not his own worst enemy.

I hope for tightened borders, an end to the Middle East and Ukraine/Russia conflicts, American energy independence, and a strong economy.  I hope he has a plan to diminish North Korean, Chinese, and Iranian influence around the world.

I hope he retains Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense as the best man in America for the job. I hope Kamala finds a good job and Joe buys himself a good easy chair.  The list of my Hopes for America is long.  Let's be proud.  Let's be normal.  Let's be sane.  Let's be happy and prosperous.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

It's a Phone

One week in, I see no real difference in my GP9P and my P6.  It hasn't changed how I use it.  I may adapt as I play with more features.

I don't play games on my phone and I rarely watch videos.  So, Let's see.  I use it to check the news, navigate, Google shit, and organize my modest existence.

It's a map, camera, music player, and communicator, and I even use it as a phone, though rarely.

I've only run into one issue - The Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Bluetooth interferes with the connection with my Pixel Buds and Aftershokz.  Not OK!  Nothing messes with my Alie Ward Time!  Once I turned UWB off, everything worked fine.

So, It's just like my Pixel 6 - only prettier.

Monday, 4 November 2024

Vandy Beats Auburn

. . . at home.

It is so unusual, unbeleavable to see Auburn's kicking game struggling.  I'm not holding it against McGough; the kid is our kickoff man and does a fantastic job.  He's only a freshman.

Sure!  The kicking game is off, but we lost this ballgame because the offense is ineffective.  Oh, they have moments of brilliance, but are inconsistant.

Our Defense, once again, did their job.  It was not enough.

Vandy 17 - Auburn 7.

Saturday, 2 November 2024


Kady and I went to my son's house to walk with ES around her neighborhood.  I like the way they do Halloween over there.  All the kids, moms, dads (and at least two grandparents) met at the park before the community parade. There must have been fifty kids there.  Trick-or-treating begins after the Parade.

Everyone decorates for the event.  Parents dress up and sit on porches and in driveways to hand out candy.

The costumes are elaborate.  There were witches, fairy princesses, football players, and pirates.  There was an adorable crying Spiderman who got separated from his Mom.  I loved the inflatable dinosaur and alien outfits.  There were lots of Harry Potter costumes.  Where were the ghosts?  I didn't see one ghost.

Mostly, the kids wore costumes I didn't recognize.

My granddaughter was a Japanese Anime character named Nezuko.  What does she do, I asked.  "She's a good demon who fights bad demons."    So. My grandchild was a Japanese Cartoon Demon/Exorcist,  That's . . . uh . . . fun . . . I guess.

I asked my son, dressed as Dr. Ian Malcolm riding a T-Rex, what the strange rabbit-looking thing was that many of the kids were wearing.  "That's a Peekachu, Dad!"

My Bad.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

An Auburn Win

Two-hundred and seventy-eight Yards!  Jarquez Hunter is tired of losing.  

It took a quarter for Auburn to settle down and figure Kentucky out, but once they did, they wore the Wildcats down and took over the game.  Even Payton Thorn had a good game, completing 15 of 16 passes.

Everyone showed up.  We had great pass coverage and picked them twice.  The defense shut them down in the second half.  Our receivers were On It!  We had some amazing catches out there.

True.  The other team had a lot of injuries, including their starting quarterbacks, and it was Kentucky, who is also struggling this year.  That must be considered as we move on.

Auburn 24 - Kentucky 10 . . . at Kentucky.  Auburn's first SEC Win of the season.  Next is Vandy.  AU better be ready.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Pixel 9 Pro

My phone arrived today.  Setting it up phone-to-phone was a breeze.  First Impression - This is a beautiful piece of machinery.  More when I have a chance to use it.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Missouri Defeats Auburn

Congrats to the Missouri Tigers and CFN on Good Game. They didn't lose their cool, settled down when B. Cook returned, and won the game after two missed field goals and a fumble for an Auburn score.

They showed a lot of class. I am impressed by them. I've been saying they are an up-and-coming team and I was correct.

Mizzou 21 - AU 17.

The Auburn Tigers have a lot of work to do. WdE! SEC! 

Oh!  And Texas!  Welcome to the SEC where every weekend is a Shit Show of Carnage and Bloodletting.

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Nothing But Clear Skys and a Comet

Instead of driving an hour to the parkway, I went to the airport, five minutes away, and had a little more success.

It was harder to spot.  I didn't think it would get dark enough.  I found it with my Binos and pointed it out to the lady and her son who joined me. After adjusting my camera and applying some Kentucky Windage I captured some great shots.

I used my Nikon D850 and my new 65mm lens, set on f/5.6, 4 seconds, 1600 ISO, and 4000K wet bulb.  I turned off the autofocus and focused on Venus.  I put the camera on my tripod and set the timer to two seconds, taking four exposures with each push of the shutter release.

Why four exposures?  I didn't want the air traffic to mess up my photo.  If necessary, I could layer out all the flashing lights.

Thursday, 18 October 2024

Comet Hunting in Virginia

I am the unluckiest comet hunter on the planet.  For the past two nights, I have driven to the Blue Ridge Parkway to no avail.  The first night, I saw it but the clouds and aircraft contrails were in the way of a decent photo.

Last night, I drove to a more secluded spot, 20-Minute Cliff Overlook, hoping for a break in the clouds.  I didn't get one.

Kady is enjoying my frustration, pointing out people all over the country posting amazing photos, taken with their phones, in their back yard.

Each day, the Comet moves farther and farther away, growing dimmer and dimmer.

I'll try again today.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

If I Care?

Like she does most days, Kady told me she was making lunch and then added, "if you care."

What?  Am I a Fool?  Only a fool would not care that this woman is making lunch, supper, breakfast, brunch, dunch, dinner, snacks, or any other chance to eat the magical fixins from her kitchen.  The Girl can cook!

Today I got Kady's Kefta, Couscous Salad, and Mediterranian Hummus.  It was Solid!

Tuesday, 16 October 2024

Attack of the Feminazi

It went like this:

It was Sunday Afternoon.  I had just finished my walk and was sipping water, joining Kady in front of the TV for Football when the doorbell rang.  Kady told me to get it.  On my porch was a 60-something woman carrying a phone and a handful of Harris political leaflets.

May I help you?  May I speak to Ms. Neel?  What do you want?  I need to speak to her.  Why?  I need to confirm this is her address.  That is none of your business.  May I speak with her?  What about?  I need to confirm my list.  What List?  The one on my phone.  Where did you get this list?  From the people who sent me.  Look.  This is my house and we have a sign at the entrance to our community saying "No Solicitation."  This is not solicitation. Yes, it is.  You knocked on my door requesting information and trying to sell your candidate.  What have you got?  She uncovers the Kamala pamphlets.  I thought so.  We're not interested.  Sir.  You are being rude to your wife!  Good evening.  Sir, she screamed, You need to give this to your wife!

I'm pretty sure that she is still standing outside in a puddle of her own making.  I love fucking with liberals, religious types, and anyone else who comes to my door uninvited, especially on the weekend.  Especially during football season.

If this person represents Harris I am still voting for Bill The Cat.

Sunday, 13 October 2024

“This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid”  ~ from the movie Jackie Brown (not John Wayne)

Like almost everyone else, I got up this morning and went straight to my news feed to look at the damage in Florida after Hurricane Milton and its tornadoes had passed.  I feel for some of these people but, "How long will we pay for their bad decisions? How long will we build structures on the ground on coastlines and in floodplains?"

.Case in Point - The Tampa Bay Ray's Tropicana Field.  They built a baseball field, with a Teflon, weather-resistant roof, in FLORIDA!  Well, that shit's gone now.  There were also numerous photos of destroyed trailers, boats, cars, signs, and at least one crane.

Why are their trailers on the Florida coast?  Where was the preparation?  Why do we build flimsy shit and then act like it's a tragedy when it gets obliterated?

Build Smart and Stop Subsidizing Stupidity.

Thursday, 10 October 2024

We All Knew

Everyone knew Georgia would beat Auburn.  Woe!  31 - 13.

We watched the game from our campsite at Lake Anna, with an Alabama fan and Auburn fans from Virginia, Maryland, and Arizona.  Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin' didn't get us very far.

And Then - Alabama lost . . . to Vandy.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Come on, iPhone People.  Get with the program.

I know you people aren't used to having options on your phone, letting Apple tell you what to do, but with iOS 18 you finally have 21st Century Messaging.  It is called Rich Communication Services (RCS) and it allows you to send messages to Android users that include content like high-resolution photos, videos, audio clips, and emojis.

Here is a step-by-step for you.

When you message an Android user, the message field will say "Text Message + RCS."  If you're having trouble with RCS, try restarting your iPhone.  If you're still having trouble, ask a teenager.

Wednesday, 1 October 2024

Back to First Free

I went back to my coffee place this morning.  I was to meet Jay and KS but school was delayed an hour, so they slept in.  That's fine.  I've wanted to do a solo coffee for a while.

I've been feeling bad about not supporting my place.  It's like I've been cheating on them with these hipster places around town.

I like First Free's Patriotic American vibe, friendly staff, no-nonsense coffee, and attractive clientele with normally colored hair.  Hell, an open-carry dude came in the door this morning and no one ran to their safe place.

Next time, I'll take my laptop and write, while drinking my coffee and, maybe have a pastry.

Wednesday, 1 October 2024

I Didn't Think So

My daughter began an Auburn group text during the game.  I didn't play.  Every "War Eagle" seemed like a JInx.  Let's not count our proverbial chickens . . .

Our QB had been lucky.  OU had almost intercepted four of his passes.  The coach had been lucky; He took some chances and got away with them.  He had also lost a few - a fourth and goal stop in the first quarter and two failed field goal attempts in the second.

We had the ball with a little over four minutes left in the game, up by five points.  It was third and four yards to go.  The coach called a pass play, instead of letting Hunter (averaging 5.7 per carry this game) run it, and our QB threw an interception, a Pick 6.

An interception, some good Oklahoma plays, giving the ball up one yard away from a score, and three missed field goals were easily enough to lose 27 - 21.  The struggle continues. 

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Using Grammarly with Google Sites

OK, this is advice based on a LOT of trial and error.

Start by adding Grammarly Basic to Chrome as an extension. Add to your list of pages for "writing suggestions.  Section your document using Content Blocks.  Grammarly editing is slow and inefficient if your document is too long.  It will even slow down your typing response.

Grammarly will automatically check your spelling and underline suspect words in Red.  Things underlined in Yellow are suggestions for grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.  I find that Grammarly is correct about grammar and punctuation, but is overly formal and exacting about sentence structure, especially word usage.

Let Grammarly help, but don't let it ruin your voice.  Be yourself.  Write like you talk.  Grammarly is a prissy, overly strict, Yankee, high school English teacher.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Arkansas Game

Arkansas would have beaten us by a lot more than 24-14. were it not for our defense,  Those poor guys played well but had to play the whole game.  Again!

The offense couldn't get anything going for most of the game.  When they did, we coughed up the ball.  I think we have to be leading the nation in interceptions.

It's going to be the year we all feared it would be.

Saturday Night, 21 September 2024

New Lense

I took my new lens out for a test drive this morning.  Since buying my D850, I have been using the little 18-55mm zoom that came with my D5100.  It is a great little lens, but I wanted a faster lens comparable to my 65mm and 50mm.  I chose the Nikon AF-S 35mm, f/1:1.8G, which is fast enough and affordable.

I'm happy!

This will be my walking-around lens.  It is small, light, and makes good images.  I still get a little vignette when shooting full frame, but that's acceptable.  I can't wait to see how it changes my street photos.

I may go downtown tomorrow.

Saturday Night, 21 September 2024

Exploding Pagers

Brilliant!  But HOW?  It is obvious.

It worked well, but I do not accept the collateral damage inherent in operations of this sort.  I'm a One Shot - One Kill guy.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

It Was New Mexico

Auburn beat 0-3 New Mexico last night.  Let's not beat our chest about it.  They haven't won a game all year, but they gave us fits in the first half.  Their QB, Devon Dampler, is an amazing athlete, and his receivers have basket-hands.  The pass plays they connected on were unbelievable.

AU still needs work.  Our Pass rush sucked.  Our new quarterback looked good, but it was New Mexico!  I was happy to see Hunter running the edges and catching passes, but shit son, how many times are you going to drop the ball?  Two Hands, You!

I still think we'll only get one more win this year.

We're lucky we weren't playing New Mexico State last night.  Let's stay in reality.

War damn Eagle!

Sunday, 15 September 2024


My big brother just bought a restored Studebaker pickup.  Why?  I don't know.  He could have gotten an F150 to haul his art stuff, with a warranty, and available parts for about the same money.

It is fun, though.  Neels aren't known for buying practical cars.  He'll get a lot of attention driving it. 

He remembers Mom and Dad's first car, a Studebaker sedan, so maybe that is the draw.  He asked if I had a photo of it.  Hell!  This was way before my time on Earth, which I call the Common Era, so I didn't think so.  Dutifully, I went back through my scans of my parent's photos.

Tada!  I'm amazing!

I found one little photo of the car, on the street in front of their first Birmingham home, a duplex over by the airport.  Behind it is Jim's tricycle.  What a cool photo.  It would be cool to have that car!

I like the 1950ish Ford Woodie in the foreground.  I don't surf but I'd put a surfboard on top of that.  And a 5.0 under the hood.  Candy Apple Red, I think.

Friday, 13 September 2024


Enough with Politics - The New Shows are coming out.  Here are my suggestions.

On Now - Only Murders, The Old Man, Slow Horses, Tulsa King, Shrinking, The Diplomat, and the last episodes of Blue Bloods (damn you CBS).

Soon - Yellowstone, Silo, Dune Prophecies

That should take our minds off the nonsense.

Thursday, 12 September 2024


The "Debate"

Are these two Ass Clowns the best we can do?

Same Shit, Different Day. 

Trump stuck to his tired old rhetoric, delivered in his adorable, unhinged, self-centric, monosyllabic way.  So Crazy.

Harris, played the Mother Goddess, protecting her children from the Evil Trump . . . and themselves.  So Condescending.

Two anti-Trump ABC Tools, set up their candidate for success.  So Obvious.

I'm writing in Bill The Cat . . . unless he's eaten by a Haitian before the election.  So much Better.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Run The Ball, Hit the Edges, and Throw Quick Short Passes.  Stop trying to win with Bombs.  Possess The Ball!  Fix your Offensive Front Five.

War damn Eagle!

Oh, Auburn

That was terrible.  We were outplayed, out-quarterbacked, and, absolutely, out-coached.  By Cal!  21-14.

The Offense lost this game.  Thorn had zero protection, but that does not excuse his bad decisions.  How many interceptions can a QB throw in a game?  This might be a record.  No team can win with five turnovers.

The defense played pretty well in the second half, considering they were on the field for about 70% of the game.

The score doesn't tell the story.  It could have easily been 27 - 7.

It is going to be another long, disappointing year.  I predict a 2 and 9 season.  I might not be able to watch it.  At least I won't have to watch another embarrassing bowl game performance. 

Saturday Night, 7 September 2024

Close Ambush!

For days, I've had a little brown bird visiting my feeder.  It likes to feed out of the tray at the bottom, so I haven't gotten a good look at it.  I tried identifying it with my books.  I failed.  I thought it might be a Warbler or Vario.

It came back this morning.  I put my long lens on my camera and opened the door slowly.  I got one shot and overexposed it.  Dumbass.

I knew it would come back but I had to be smarter if I wanted a good photo.

I put my camera on the tripod, dug two poncho liners out of my army stuff, and set up a sniper blind.

That Worked!

Five minutes after I stopped moving, it came back, in perfect position for a series of photos.  This is an American Goldfinch (non-breeding).

Friday, 6 September 2024

A Love-Hate Relationship

Noseeums Love me.  I hate Them.

I don't know what it is lately, but all sorts of biting bugs find me delicious.  Maybe it's my B-Negative Blood or my body wash, but they can't get enough of me.  I can't go outside at night or sit in the shadows without being eaten alive.  The Mosquitos are bad but Noseeums are the worst.

A few of these little bastards got in the War Room and were hiding under my desk, feasting on me day and night.

Kady bought me a Zevo M4 Insect Trap that solved the problem.

I caught two Noseeums, one Fruitfly, and two tiny mosquito-looking things.  I took this photo with my macro tubes and a 55-200mm lens.  This grotesque little monster is really about the size of a pinhead.

I've had no problems since plugging this trap in.  We've also put one in the kitchen which is doing a fine job as well.  I think we need one on the front porch and one out back.  Kill them All!

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

AU Football

Here we go!  War damn Eagle!

Look.  I know it was "only" Alabama A&M, but seeing the new Auburn team beat a warm-up game without struggling was good. 

73 - 3 is impressive no matter who you're playing.  I got tired of yelling, "Touchdown Auburn!"

This team looked ready to play, and they better be against Cal next weekend; they gave us a hell of a time last year.  I'm certain they would love to repay us for that game.

Thorne had a good night; that whole helmet comms thing worked nicely.  He's got some fast guys with good hands to throw to this year.  The receivers were most impressive AFTER they caught the ball.  Likewise, the Running Backs, new and veteran, looked solid.  I wish we had practiced them more.  Both sides of the line are bigger and faster this year.

We have two more games before the shit gets real.

We have to give Alabama A&M props.  They played their hearts out and never gave up.  There is a lot of talent on that team.  I hope they have success and a good year.

Saturday, 31 August 2024

In Search of the Best Charlottesville Coffee Shop

KS and I began meeting for coffee every Wednesday back in January.  We mostly went to First Free, a new place on the other side of Highway 29.  Jay joined us when his job changed.  We have been trying a new place each week.

Grit Coffee has the High Five a spectacular coffee drink but the place is a little run down.  Fix that bench!  

Shenandoah Joe coffee is good, but it's seven miles away.

Lone Light had great coffee, but that's downtown and parking is an issue.  Add $5 to to your coffee.

The Daily Grind was handy during the COVID lockdown but their three tables and attitude say, "Take your coffee and Go."

Today, we tried Greenberry's and I love the place.  It looks modern and is well-decorated.  It's clean with plenty of parking, and it is easy to get to.  If I owned a Coffee Shop, I would want it to look like Greenberry's.  Sadly, they serve your coffee in paper cups!  Buy Some Real Cups!

My favorite place, so far, is First Free Coffee Bar.  It's right across the road from my house.  They treat you like family when you come in the door.  The seating is open and welcoming.  It's clean and well-decorated with local art. They make the most amazing Moca and Cream Cubano.  This is a Conservative Coffee Shop.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Handan Şahin - Çay Var İçersen 

New Handan Şahin Music

My singing Turkish goddess, Handan, messaged me yesterday to tell me about her new song.  We chatted back and forth a bit.

She was a big part of that magical summer of 2001 before the world went to shit.

I heard her for the first time when out with a few American friends.  We stopped at the Carnivale Club to hear a young guy singing Eagles tunes.  When Handan and her band took the stage, my friends left.  I stayed.  I didn't understand a word she said, but I know talent.

I returned often and always took her flowers from the shop outside the door, a Turkish custom.  She would greet me, mid-song, as I walked in the door and dedicated the next song to me.  She knew my favorites.

I was her #1 Fan and we have stayed in touch through the years.

She released her first album, Alem, in 2019.  I wish her even more success.

Friday, 23 August 2024

From the Carnivale Club, Izmir, 2001


Kady's sister died last night.  She was an amazing lady who, after a divorce, raised two incredible young women on her own, sometimes working three jobs.  

She put herself through college, studying photography.  She was the true photographer in the family.  Her work was beautiful.

She was hard to know.  We were never very close but had some common interests.  I took this shot when she and I went around Rockbridge County taking photos together.  She was also getting into Astronomy the last I saw her.  I repaired her telescope, and she showed me what she could do with it hooked to her iPhone. That was in February.

She was smart.  I liked her.

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Mirra Andreeva

I'm calling it now - Mirra Andreeva is the next big star in Women's Tennis.  This young lady has skills!

I'm trying to find a transitional player while Simons decides what she is doing next and I believe this girl is it.

We've been watching her improve and gain ground since the Australian Open and she has been impressive.

She took #1 Ega Swaitek to three sets, losing the 3rd 7-5, in the Cincy Open quarter-final.

I think we can expect a lot more from her in the future.

Saturday, 17 August 2024


A year ago, Kady gave me a subscription to Storyworth for Father's Day.  She sent me a question every week.  I wrote a story from my life for each.   I faithfully wrote my weekly story each Monday, though I got a little behind at the end.  Considering all our traveling, that's not too bad. 

I finished editing today.  The next step is printing.

It was fun, but I am glad I finished.  I don't think the body of work is as detailed as my site, but the questions surfaced some great memories.

I think everyone should do this.

Thursday, 15 August 2024


Oh, Hello, Beautiful.

Kady just ordered my Google Pixel 9 Pro.  It should be here in October.  I was thinking about getting a Pixel 10 in 2025, but after watching the Google Release Event, I am certain I need this phone now.

I have a lot to learn.

With this phone, I can experiment with cutting-edge AI in my writing, organization, and photography.  My GP6 is a perfect phone/computer, so I expect the same reliability and usability.  I chose Porcelain.


Tuesday, 13 August 2023

As of 22 October, I still don't have my phone.

Looks like it will be here on 26 October.  Only Two weeks late.

Scout Stressed

Good Boy!

This Guy!  I've never known a more well-balanced dog.  Scout walks when you want to walk, plays when it's time, naps on command.  He expresses his needs and wants by putting his head in your lap and giving you Sad Eyes.

His mom and dad left for a week, leaving him in our care, and you would never know it by his demeanor.  He's cool with it.

Let outside, he stays in the backyard and entertains himself with sticks, rabbit chasing, and running in circles like a crazy dog.

He has a mind of his own and, sometimes, does what he's told in His time, at His speed, and after He's finished doing what he's doing.

Yeah, he's a Typical Man.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Repeating History

Last week, Ukraine forces invaded Russia's Kursk region.  Hoping to relieve pressure on Ukranian Forces, this sweeping move was the first land attack on Russia in the war.  I assume Ukraine designed this to gain negotiation leverage and undermine Russian morale.

Does this sound familiar to anyone but me?

In September 1862, Lee took the Army of Northern Virginia into Maryland, hoping to drum up European support for the South, relieve the pressure of the war from the Southern Harvest, and hopefully garner support in Maryland.  His invasion failed at the battle of Antietam, the first defeat of what had been, until then, the invincible Army of Northern Virginia.

The South now looked like an aggressor instead of the defenders of their homes, ending the possibility of European support.

Lee tried it again when he took his Army into Pennsylvania.  The Battle of Gettysburg was the beginning of the end for the Southern cause.  

It didn't work for Lee, and it won't work for Kyiv.  Watch!

Watch Russian public support for the war grow.  Watch Russian Partisans begin to interdict Ukranian supply lines and isolated forces.  Watch as the Russian propaganda machine begins reporting atrocities committed by the Ukrainian force, turning public opinion (Playbook: Palestine).  Watch Russia isolate and destroy this force from three, maybe four sides - if they have or can break away a force large enough to do it.

I'd suggest they pull back now before they over-extend, spread themselves too thin, and give Russia time to react.  The longer they stay, the more danger they'll be in.

People should study history.

Then again, maybe this is an Incheon Landing and the Russians don't have the forces to respond.  Turn Right, Ukrane.  Roll them up!

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Men's 200m - Botswana Wins!

The Men's 200m Olympic Final did my heart so much good.  When Letsile Tebogo came through the introduction portal, he projected an air of quiet determination.  I thought, "That guy is going to win."

At the other end of the spectrum, the American, the guy everyone thought would win, shot out of the portal like a rocket and ran around like an overconfident showboat, beads in his hair, huge necklace, arms raised, playing to the crowd, like he'd already won.  Sorry, I've already forgotten his name.  I thought, "I hope this guy loses."

He should have lightened his load, streamlined his head, and conserved his energy.  Tebogo smoked him.  He didn't even make Silver.  He was also beaten by his teammate, Kenny Bednarek.  Too bad, Mr. Superstar Fastest-Man-in-the-World.

Quiet Professionalism wins again.  It was Perfect.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Later: Now Superstar says he has COVID.  How Convenient.

Ansel by Dorthea Lange

Keepin' it Real

Back in 1932, a group of photographers from out West formed Group f64 to combat the Pictorialists, returning the medium to its purest form - sharply focused, well-framed images.

My hero Ansel Adams was a member.  He and the other photographers in f64 made their impression on me, early in my photographic studies.

In this new age of digital, Photoshopped, and AI-enhanced photography, we may be slipping backward into the Bull Shit of the pictorialist and surrealist movements.

From the Group f/64 Manifesto

"Pure photography is defined as possessing no qualities of technique, composition, or idea, derivative of any other art form. The production of the "Pictorialist," on the other hand, indicates a devotion to principles of art . . . directly related to painting and the graphic arts.

The members of Group f/64 believe that photography, as an art form, must develop along lines defined by the actualities and limitations of the photographic medium, and must always remain independent of ideological conventions of art and aesthetics that are reminiscent of a period and culture antedating the growth of the medium itself."


Tuesday, 7 August 2024

Let's Start a Movement

It's that time of the season.  I just got my first Political Spam Message on my phone.  

Ask yourself, "Where did they get my name and phone number?  How do they know where I live?"

Voting Records, that's where.  We're all worried about our info being on the Dark Web, but the government is handing our info out like candy to people running for office and their minions.

In reality, the people who SHOULD be fixing our spam problem won't, because they use our phones to raise money.

If being inundated by this shit during election years pisses you off as bad as it does me, don't just ignore it.  Block and report every message as spam.  Refuse to donate to anyone who uses this invasive crap to raise their $-millions.  Make it a personal rule to answer only calls from people in your Contacts.  If the call is legitimate, they'll leave a message.  If they leave no message, the call is spam; report and block.

The do-not-call list is worthless; political entities are exempt from it and crooks don't care.  Don't send "stop."  That is a waste of time and potentially tells a spammer that they have an active number.

If we all reported and blocked their messages, they'd get OUR message - Stop Spamming Us!

My phone has 588 blocked numbers.  We could make this a competition.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Little Surfer Girl

I've been keeping up with Caroline Marks since the last Olympics.  She had some of the highest scores of the preliminary rounds but came in fourth, barely missing Bronze.  She was only nineteen.

Three years later, with a lot more experience and success, she just took Gold in Tahiti.

If you've ever watched this young lady surf, you aren't surprised; she is pure poetry in motion.  She had tough competition, including her teammates, but outperformed them all.

Celebrate Caroline Marks, world champion and Olympic Gold Medalist.

Monday, 5 August 2024

End, Season II

"I am at last myself, with no ambition greater than to walk where I please and to breathe the open air - to die unremarked and unnoticed and be free." ~ Alicent

The whiners of the internet are dumping on the finale of House.  These people must be the same as those who read the last page of a novel for instant satisfaction.  Go elsewhere with your Recreational Displeasure.  Shut Up!

Enjoy the story.  Wait!  It set up Season III.  Daemon's Vision was revealing - so much information.

Sunday, 4 August 2024


Finally, I took my photo of Homer on the University of Virginia campus.  It's beautiful.  I was able to tell ES all I knew about Homer and the story of the War at Troy.

UVA recently refurbished it, repairing the broken strings on the lyre and other issues created by people climbing it.  Idiots.

My granddaughter asked me who the young boy was.  I told her that it was best to look at the monument to see if there was a description.  She pointed out the author's signature - M. Ezekiel!

Wow!  A Moses Ezekiel close enough to touch!  Worth Seeing!

I got to tell my granddaughter about Sir Moses, the first Jewish Cadet at VMI, knighted by the King of Italy, and buried at Arlington National Cemetery.  I didn't mention that he was a New Market Cadet and the sculptor of the Arlington Confederate Monument, Virginia Mourning Her Dead, and Stonewall Jackson, lest some social warrior at UVA hear me and start a campaign to remove Homer, too.

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Climbing Out Of The Proverbial Rabbit Hole

Fine!  I'm Wrong!

I went to to discover that some woman had unlinked my great-great-grandfather from his parents.  I was PISSED!  She had assigned them to her John Neel/Neal.  She had Stolen my Ancestry.

I quickly re-linked my John to William and Sarah and then emailed the woman.  I didn't do that until I calmed down.  I was nice about it, asking for her thoughts and sources.

Short Story - Her tree matched up perfectly with the documents. 

I had fallen into the trap many historians, archaeologists, and researchers fall into, looking at the available data and seeing what I wanted to see.

I wrote her, changed my tree, and edited my Neel Research Page.

Man!  I had built a whole story that was WRONG!  John Clayton Neel is once more the Enigma he has always been.  His only historical reference is his marriage license.  I'll have to begin from scratch.

What Now?

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Writing Gooder

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

When will I get over myself and write my story? I have a decent idea for one.  I don't have the eloquence or imagination to do it justice.  I read this quote today and recognized that it might help me through this barrier.  What if I try to describe the light, the sound, the smell . . . the feel in every scene?  I should try.  Maybe later.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Way to Keep It Weird, France!

That was the strangest Olympic Opening Ceremony EVER!

I sat down in front of the TV when Gaga began singing.  It was not her best performance.  Great legs, though.

For the balance of the time I watched, it was like France was trying to stuff fifty pounds of shit in a five-pound bag . . . they wanted everything

We had dancing, a drag queen Last Supper reenactment (Google that shit), a parkour outerspace guy carrying the torch across the rooftops, a fashion show of clothing that will never be worn, gigantic Louis Vuitton trunks no one can afford, a bland heavy metal band, bad CGI in the Louve, Minions, terrible Cancan dancers, French women with sticks up their butts like the ones I met in 1994, the worst John Lennon song (all his songs are bad), gigantic floating heads (forced to go in the water), what may have been Joan of Arc riding down the Seine on an aquatic horse, and a singing beheaded Marie Antionette. 

Seriously, France, are you still celebrating cutting off a young mother's head in the name of Liberty?

Somehow, I missed the creepy androgynous Ménage À Trois.  Of Course, France!  That fits perfectly into your Haute Culture opinion of yourself.

When they finally got around to lighting the torch, it turned out to be a hot air balloon.  It didn't look like a torch to me.

The boats filled with the athletes were cool, though they seemed like a secondary aspect of the show.  Axelle Saint-Cirel, the lady who sang La Marseillaise, was a hit.  Celine Dion was Fantastic!  I liked the horse.  Why no Lara Fabian?

The rest was just Bizarre.

Friday, 26 July 2024

The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection

My son, granddaughter, and I visited this little museum today.  It is located at Pantops and operated by The University of Virginia.

I wasn't sure what to expect but found myself fully engrossed in the story of Indigenous Australian Art in no time.  I enjoyed the art but loved the Story Board section describing the struggles of the Aboriginal People.

It is a small place but well worth a visit if you are over by Martha Jefferson Hospital.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

A High-Five for Grit Coffee

Run to Grit Coffee and get a "High Five" - Side Hustle Espresso pulled over raw sugar, steamed Half and Half, topped with Maldon flaky sea salt.

I just had my first, on my first visit to Grit.  I'm in love!  It is the best coffee drink I have ever tasted.

The Sea Salt does it.

Once we had our drinks, I let Jay and KS taste mine.  KS made Jay return to the counter to order one for her.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Hurray for Interoperability!

Grenada was the first conflict since Vietnam.  When we got there, we found we had forgotten a lot of war-fighting skills.  The most glaring problem was that we couldn't talk to each other.  We couldn't radio the Air Force or the Navy. They couldn't communicate with each other.  If we didn't have ANGLICO or FAO personnel with us, we had problems.

It was ridiculous.  It still is in many ways.  Just look at the different combat uniforms.

Businesses do the same thing.

I'm so happy for all of you Apple iPhone users.  Apple will shortly begin using RCS for messages, allowing Android and iOS phones to text each other more effectively.  Everyone using RCS gets better resolution for videos and photos.  We get end-to-end encryption.

By the looks of my son's screenshot, Android users will still get a Green Bubble.  Why is that?  Is it so high school kids can continue to bully kids with Androids?

I remember when I got my first Android phone and tried to download my music from my iPod.  Music bought on iTunes Music was AAC format, not for use on an Android.

Same Shit, Different Day!

Monday, 22 July 2024

Family Active Minutes

My Daughter!  Today we all begin another of her new challenges on Stridekick.  Last week, we did a step challenge.  I came in third.  She won.  A step challenge is easily defined.  This one is for active minutes.  I don't even know how my Garmin counts those.

We'll see.  I've set my Solar Tactical to remind me to "move."  Will that be enough?

It all seems a bit unfair . . like using a treadmill in your airconditioned basement, while some people have to contend with Arizona and Virginia heat to get in their steps. How will the "active minutes of a retired 71-year-old compare to people in the Army?

I plan to start the next family challenge - Online Screen Time.  I'll kick ass.

Uh, Oh.  Gotta Go.  My watch just buzzed.

Monday, 22 July 2024

Shows About to Die, I Salute You!

I tried.

Peacock advertised their new show for weeks.  Those About to Die, a show covering the reign of the Flavian Dynasty, should be my kind of show.  Rome was a favorite.  I watch Gladiator over and over.  I'm well-read on the Roman Empire.  The commercials looked a bit like Game of Thrones.  Anthony Hopkins plays Vespasian.  What could go wrong?

Oh, Everything.

It is boring.  I fell asleep twice and cut it off the third time.  The CGI is bad (see lion hunt).  The thousands of characters are indistinguishable and unremarkable.  The in-your-face sexual content, which seems overly homoerotic, is as wrong as two boys .. . .uh . . . it's just wrong  The main (?) character is played by Ewan Rheon, the actor who played Ramsey Bolton in Game of Thrones (I STILL hate that guy) and I was creeped out by the actor playing an overly gay Domitian.

This show also has an undisguised inclusion agenda, which I despise.

Even Sir Anthony looks bored with the whole thing, but, happily for him, (Spoiler Alert) his character will die soon.

I had enough at the Days of Thunder chariot race.

So Bad!  Not for me.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

My Favorite Episode of MASH

I have always liked the character BJ Hunnicutt on Mash, best. He's the straight man to everyone else's goofiness.

BJ, played by Mike Farrell, is a brilliant surgeon, but he is also a guy trying to do his time, survive the war, and get back to his wife and life back in the Real World.

Unlike most of the others, he's someone we could all respect.

Late in Season 8 (8:23) war correspondent Aggie O'Shea, played by Susan Saint James, visits the 4077th.  BJ and Aggie are instantly attracted to each other.

To me, this is the best episode of MASH.  It is a great story.  You can watch it on HULU.

The character Aggie is based on Marguerite "Maggie" Higgins, the famous war correspondent from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.  Once I discovered that Aggie was Maggie, I began researching her, reading a biography, and her books.  As staunchly anti-Communist as she was adorable, she has become one of my great heroes.

Read about Maggie

Friday, 19 July 2024

Photo by Carl Mydans, Time 

We Need a Space X Rescue Mission

NASA had Boeing make their next-generation spacecraft.  Boeing!  Yep, the company that is in such hot water lately for making shit aircraft products.

In its first manned mission, Starliner has stranded two astronauts at the ISS for weeks with numerous mechanical (dare we say design?) issues, some of which NASA identified before the launch. 

NASA and Boeing say they are working on these leaks and thruster issues and are "confident."

If I were Butch or Suni, I'd be communicating with Elon to arrange a ride home.  There is no way I'd be getting on that broken piece of crap.  Elon would probably rescue them for fun.

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Update 1: They're Still There.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Update 2: Still Stranded.

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Update 3: And . . . They are Still There!  Listen in NASA.  Dump that piece of crap in the Pacific, have Butch and Suni send their spacesuit measurements, and get out of the way so Spaxe-X to can rescue your astronauts.  Stop putting off an obvious decision.  You look like idiots.

Friday, 23 August 2024

Update 4: NASA has decided, for now, that they will return Starliner, unmanned, and pick up their astronauts with Space X Crew-9 in February.  There will, no doubt, be changes.   Two of the four people on that crew are going to be PISSED and this screw-up is going to put the ISS rotation behind.

What we need is a reusable shuttle.  Oh, wait.  Didn't we have a few of those before we decided to go back to the Gemini program?  NASA is so broken.

Saturday, 24 August 2024 

Update 5: NASA and Boeing plan to bring the Unmanned Starliner home on 5 September, landing in White Sands, NM.  I'm giving them a 30% chance of a successful landing.

Friday, 30 August 2024

Update 6: NASA brought Starliner back last this morning at 0001 EST, sans crew.  Kady and I watched it back away from the IST beginning at 6, which went flawlessly.  Now, take it apart and figure out your problems and design flaws.   Start over.  Don't try to repair it.  Completely redesign it. Earn that money, Boeing. 

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Update 7: With a wave of the hand, Boeing VP says, Aw, The Astranaughts would have been Just Fine.

Look Genius.  This does not change the fact that you sold an issue-laden piece of crap to the American people.  You owe us a shit-load of money.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Great Pizza

We went to Dr. Ho's Humble Pie pizza joint today,  Wow.  Everything was delicious. 

I've heard about this place since moving here in 2018, but I have always chosen a different place.  Located eight miles south of I-64 on Highway 29, it took us a while to get there.  We picked up KS and ES and met Jay, who was coming home from a retreat weekend in the hills.

Was it worth the trip?  YES!  We had Fat and Sassy Garlic Bread and Salad.  They had The Bellissima and I had The Humble Pie.  It was all too much to eat but I tried.  It was too good.

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Happy Independence Day

America.  Nuff Said.

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Become a Photographer

Here is my one-question test to help you decide whether or not you are a photographer.  No Googling is allowed.

What are the three things that affect your photograph's depth of field?

If you don't know, you aren't.  Now, look it up.  You are on your way.  Keep studying.  Put down your phone, get out your Real Camera, and put it on "M."  Figure out all those little numbers, what they mean, and how they work together.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

One of the few decent photos of her on the internet

All About Some Emma

Is it just me, or is Emma getting hotter every episode?

When she took over the part of older Rhaenyra Targaryen on House of the Dragon, I looked her up.


Though she describes herself as "non-binary" and uses improper pronouns, she's unmistakably a girl.  No matter how she cuts her hair or dresses, it is obvious.  Perhaps she's not very attractive, but, she is a girl.

Weird AND Homely.

OH WAIT!  Now, I'm revising my first impression.  By S:2/E:3 she was growing on me!  By the last scene of this episode, I was sold.  She has the potential to be one of her generation's most beautiful actresses.

I'm sorry Emma.  I'm not buying into your binary bullshit.  You're a hot girl.  "It's a mad thought."  Embrace it.

Monday, 1 July 2024

I Do Not Need This

I just finished Dark Matter and Outer Range.  I'll give them both a C+.  They were both implausible pseudo-science shows, with more unanswered questions than Lost.  I hope they are both done.  They could do new seasons but, please, No!

Dark Matter was only a new version of The Butterfly Effect.  Open Range was nothing more than a Yellowstone Time Tunnel.  I was bored with both.  Both reminded me of The Walking Dead - People hating each other and, sometimes, zombies show up.

I learned a good lesson with Lost - Never become invested in a show that is so nonsensical that the questions will never be answered.  If I'm going to invest the kind of time I spent on Lost, I want a series like The Expanse.  I want solid science.

Yeah, ABC, we're all still waiting to find out what the Smoke Monster (really) was.

Thankfully, I get Dragons tonight.

Sunday, 30 June 2024

Let Us Not Mince Words

I watched the debate.  I was saddened by it.  I was alarmed by it.  What I saw was sad proof of Joe's greatly diminished mental capacity.   It's time to take away the keys to the Stingray.

I like President Biden.  Many of his policies fail my commonsense litmus test, but I like the man.  I especially enjoyed his Vice President days playing the part of America's crazy uncle.  I'm sad to watch him grow old.

After the debate, everyone seemed surprised at how badly he performed.  I wasn't.  I watched to confirm what I already suspected.   He can't do four more years as our president.  I want what is best for America and Joe isn't it.  I want the best for Joe and the presidency isn't that.

I wish him a good life, a great chair, a warm blanket, and quality time with his family.

Note: Trump isn't what we need either.  As the Democrats should do, we Republicans should consider returning to the Drawing Board to select a good candidate.  We have time.

Saturday, 29 June 2024

It's the Time of the Season

Finally, my shows are dropping new seasons.  We once again have dragons flying. Mysterious holes in the earth have opened back up,  Soon, someone is going to be murdered and I'll get to spend time appreciating Selina Gomez.  In November, the ranch will open back up without Kevin.  I'm ready.

The Bear, Season Three, dropped last night.  So Good.  It's a MUST!  I like the dysfunction of it all.  I finished it in two days.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

We Did It!

Sunday, Jay, KS, Kady, and I finished Ticket to Ride: Legends of the West, Legacy.  It feels like a life accomplishment.

We began playing in January, fitting in each phase when we could sync our schedules.  The last phases took 2 - 2.5 hours to play.  It was a time investment.

At the end of the campaign, Jay won by arresting a bandit and finding some treasure.  Kady, KS, and I were only a few points from each other.

It was a great game and fun family time, but we all agreed to play some easy card games for a while.  We need a breather.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Yesterday, the Harford County Maryland Sheriff's Department announced an arrest in the Murder of Rachel Morin.  Rachel, 37, a mother of five, was brutally raped and murdered last August on the Ma and Pa Trail in Belair, Maryland.  This trail is a favorite outdoor spot for the entire Belair community and my family.  We had been on the trail a few days before this happened.

This asshole is an illegal alien from El Salvador, wanted there on murder charges and in LA on home invasion and assault charges, all linked by DNA evidence.  His capture is a testament to science and solid police work.

Should we have a Public Lynching?  I think so!

Sunday, 16 June 2024

New Lens

For Father's Day, Kady gave me a new lens of my choosing, which I hope to use as my primary portrait lens.  Today, I put it to the test taking a few shots of my old mug.

Every shot turned out fine, though my depth of field could have been a little deeper.

Nikon D850, AF-S 85/1.8G, @ f/2, 1/100, ISO 400, available light.

Friday, 14 June 2024

From the Web

What's Up, Harvard?

In a Harvard "study," a couple of brainiacs have postulated that UAPs could be proof of aliens living among us.  They list possibilities, what they call Cryptoterrestrials (CT).

I'm not kidding.  Read It - Here

I have no problem with any of these ideas. All of them have been in numerous science fiction novels and Star Trek episodes.  I sit around and think about this shit all the time but these guys just had the money to turn it into an academic paper.

I wonder how many taxpayer dollars they were paid to sit around smoking weed and pondering all these possibilities.  So much for Higher Education!

Thursday, 13 June 2024

To a Ranger

Well, Bye

Monday, 10 June 2024

Birdwatching with SGM

Kady and I gave SGM a bird book, a feeder, and a pair of quality binoculars.  I set up the feeder and filled it as soon as we arrived.

The birds found it in about five days.  Already, she has bluebirds, nuthatches, and chickadees.

SGM is fascinated by the birds on her feeder.  When we open the door, she sprints to the feeder to get a better look.  The standoff the binoculars should give her is lost by her being three.

She is pretty adorable.

I've tried to interest all our grandchildren in Birds.  I hope it sticks with one of them.

Sunday, 8 June 2024

Troy, Sporting His Infantry Bling

Only $15.99 on Amazon.

Get Yours Today.  Be a Combat Infantryman!

Troy in Transition

You've probably seen the hype about Republican Representative Troy Nehls of Texas wearing an unauthorized Combat Infantry Badge.  Some are calling this "Stolen Valor."  You might think that I would agree since I wear that badge.

Though those of us in the Infantry think he's a wanker, I want to cut Troy a little slack.

I can only guess that he had a tough life, being named Troy.  He probably took ROTC at some half-assed college like Liberty, hoping to prove he was a real man, but the Army thought he was more the Civil Affairs type.

When he was commissioned in the Reserves, he still wanted to be Infantry. He always felt like he was an Infantryman.  Deep inside, he knew he was still Infantry.  Now, he's in transition to become a combat hero.  Now, he can feel better about himself.  I'm sure the stogie in this photo is all about convincing himself of his new real-man persona.

Let's let this guy live his dream.   He's not hurting anyone.  Besides, in this brave new world, you can be anything you want to be, Right?

This week, I feel like I am an Ogalala Sioux Warrior, therefore I am.  Next Week - Astronaut!

Friday, 7 June 2024

Coming Into His Own

When Cooper died, I didn't want ES to get another dog; I didn't want to love another dog, only to have it die a few years later.  I still haven't gotten over losing Coop. 

Then, "we" got Scout the Bernedoodle.

I love this boy.  When we visit, he is my responsibility.  I walk and feed him, ensure he goes outside when he rings his bell, and entertain him when he's ready to play.  I love it.

He's a fine young fellow.  Though he needed some obedience training, he is well-behaved and mostly trustworthy.  I hope he's around a lot longer than we had Coop.

I'm Team Scout.

Wednesday, 6 June 2024

SGM with the Long Lens

SGM's first day of soccer didn't go as expected but there was no meltdown, which was good.  While the other kids ran around doing almost everything the coach said, our future Auburn Women's Soccer star, observed from the sidelines, refusing to leave her mom's side.

Soccer is going to take Daddy's competent skills and firm hand.

I went prepared for the greatness, carrying my camera and long lens.  This thing is so easy to use.  I was shooting at slow speeds, in cloud-filtered light, handheld, at about f/8 and 200mm, and this is what I got.

What a Doll Face.

Sunday, 2 June 2024

Havre de Grace

If you are north of Baltimore, Go Here.  This little town is really beautiful.  It is situated where the Susquehanna River meets the North East River, in the northern part of the Chesapeake Bay.

The park at Concord Lighthouse is super nice, with boardwalks along the Bay, fishing piers, boat docks, friendly people, and lots of wildlife.  The vibe at sunset is romantic.

Take a date.

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Shoot More Film

Kady tried out the Mamiya-6 and didn't like it.  That left a roll of what I expected was Kodak Portra 400.  I took a few quick snaps of my Coffee Partner and Delighter-in-law, KS, at First Free Coffee Bar to finish the roll.

Though I was only trying to finish the roll, I worried about the background and lighting of every shot.  I should have been.  Ah.  The colors, grain, and girl make this photo.

Before getting these from The Photo Lab, I told Kady to sell the Mamiya-6.  I may need to rethink that.  I should shoot a roll of Portra in my Canon A1 to see if I can replicate this.

I can't wait to scan these myself.

Saturday, 1 June, 2024

DuckDuck No!

I praise all Google products, but Chrome has frustrated me lately.  Mostly, it is the popups, tracking, and follow-me-everywhere ads.

I began looking at other browsers.

I tried DuckDuckGo because they claim their browser stops all three of these annoyances.  Holy Cow!  It did,  It is streamlined, fast, and simple to use.

It has little glitches, but it is still better than dealing with the pop-ups Chrome lets through.  I enjoy the tally of blocked trackers on its homepage.

Monday, 27 May 2024

Update:  The Glitches became a problem with my normal use.  Spellcheck is a minor annoyance.  DDG Search algorithm isn't that good.  I'm back with Google and I'll have to take the time to tweak it to stop as many popups as possible.  Tracking?  I'll have to live with it.

Thursday 27 June 2024

From Deep in the Archives

Your Lesson For Today - Don't listen to your family.  Take all the photos.

I found this while searching for photos of my childhood friend Francis Lewis.  She sent me a few of my family this week and I want to return the favor.

I took this in July 1990 at the Neel Family Reunion in Geiger.  It includes Don's wife Kelly, Mom, Dad, me, Kady, my big brother Jim, CE, my little brother Don, Jay, Jim's stepdaughter.

Dad died shortly after this.  Don died a year after him.  Mom died in 2015.  Kelly remarried after Don died.  Jim has a lot less hair.  The youngest in this group is about to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

I set this shot up with my camera on a tripod, and on a timer, using Tri-X 400.  Damn, I was good.  Of course, no one wanted me to take it.

Saturday, 25 May 2024

On Cancer

A friend just let me know a member of the VMI class of 2014, a North Carolina Cadet and Army officer, lost his wife to Cancer.  They have two little boys.  Do the math.  She was about 32.

For those of you looking for some meaning to life, a reason we're here, keep looking.  Your god must be an asshole and certainly has no answers.

Fuck Cancer..

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Camera Repair

Let the games begin.  Gentlemen, start your engines.

This may be way above my skill level.

The replacement cover came in the mail yesterday.  I took the camera apart, following the instructional video, step-by-step, and reversed the process.  It doesn't work.

Why?  I have no clue.  I need to sleep on it for a while, do more research, and then try again.  I'm pretty good at this shit, so I only need to figure it out.

Otherwise, I'll just sell it for parts, sell the lenses, and then sell the Mamiya 6.  That would put about $4K in my pocket and I could go completely digital.

That is a better idea.


I'll be damned!  I fixed it.  A part that I believed was a flash attachment part was the shutter release pin.  Once together and tested, I painted the bottom cover and it looks almost like a new camera.

See Finished Product, Left.

Still. Not. OK.

Monday, 20 May 2024

Walking Away

I'm breaking up with Facebook and X . . . again.  Insta is going to be for Family/Inner Circle Only.

If you're looking for me, I'm right here.

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Squirrel Training

Two squirrels have staked out my bird feeder.  The birds don't visit when they are there and these guys like to hang on the feeder all day until it's empty.

While Kady orders a squirrel-proof feeder, I've taken things into my own hands.

Years ago, I confiscated a slingshot from a cadet pelting sentinels with paintballs.  I told him he could have it back on graduation day.  He never came for it so I added it to my bugout bag.

I got it out today.  The rubber was completely dry-rotted.  I refurbished it with an old exercise band, two pace cord beads, and some parachute cord.

The squirrels looked at me, unconcerned, when I came out the back door.  As I walked toward them, they jumped to the stone wall below the feeder, prepared to dash if I got any closer.  I didn't try to hit them but tried to hit the wall as close to their head as possible.

I found I was pretty damn accurate from the first shot.  I could hit the little bastards if I wanted.

Squirrels learn fast.  Now they run at the sound of the door.

If they keep coming back, I'm going aim for squirrel ass.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Ticket to Ride

We play cards with my daughter, son-in-law, and his family.  We play board games with my son and daughter-in-law.  The Ticket to Ride series of games by Days of Wonder are favorites.

We began playing Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West in January  This is a long, one-time-only game, with twelve phases of "years."  A phase takes about two hours and each adds more routes, tasks, and hurdles.  It is great fun, but a serious time investment.

You have to stay with this game.  If you take a break from it, like we did in February, you must relearn the rules.  We're lucky to have Jay as our administrator, reading the rules, organizing the game pieces, while maintaining the standards.

I highly suggest this game.  It is a brain exercise.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Keep Your "Friends" Close but Your Stuff Closer

Back in Film Camera Days, I bought a second Canon body to carry my AE-1 Program with Black and White and Color in the other.  I purchased a new Canon A-1 at the PX.  The A-1 became my go-to 35mm film camera. I gave my AE-1 Program to a cadet.

When another young "friend" told me she was taking a college photography course, I loaned her my Canon equipment.  I emphasized how much the camera meant to me and asked her to take "exceptional care" of it.

She returned it damaged.  There was a big dent in the top cover of my camera and a crack from the dent to the main body.  I didn't notice it until I got home and she, sure as hell, failed to mention it.  There was also a sticky mess on the bottom of my camera bag.

Not OK!  Though it will only cost me $15 and some work to replace the top, What the Hell?

By Comparison

In 2001, after a nice night of music on the bay in Izmir, I forgot that my camera was in a new friend's purse.  She and her family were leaving for a beach week the next morning.  I had known this girl for only three days, so I wasn't sure I would see my camera again.  She returned my little Sony DSC-S50 camera, nine days later wrapped in silk scarves for protection.

Monday, 13 May 2024

When You Work with Me

It is important to document occasions when the whole family gets together.  One day, I figure, my kids and grandkids will appreciate that I did.

However, my family considers me an enormous pest with my camera.  I must be, because almost everyone bristles when I begin taking photos at family events.  Oh, it's alright for them to take their phone photos, but they get all weird in front of a real camera.  Even SGM had picked up on this attitude.

There are exceptions.  KS and ES love to play along, so their photos always turn out great.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Watch Suggestions

Updated: Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Editing Google Sites by Phone

I have always wanted to edit my page on my phone. That has proved impossible on Google Sites.  Not many people use Google Sites, so Google doesn't invest much effort in making it better than how it is.

But, I've discovered a way.

Open Chrome on your phone browser and then open sites,  When your page comes up, hit the drop-down dots (top right), and scroll down to "Desktop Site."  Click that and the familiar Edit Page opens.  Everything is small and takes some practice, but at least we have the option when we're away from our laptops.  A capacitive stylus helps.  It's not perfect.

I may crank up my old Note 5 and see how it works with a real stylus.  I miss my Note 5.*   

Saturday, 27 April 2024

*I tried this, later.  It worked a little better but not great, and it is still best to use a computer.

NASA Graphic

Hello!  It's great to hear from you!

After months of nothing (gibberish, actually), Voyager-1 began responding with solid scientific data.  NASA engineers sent a fix.

Those NASA cats are Smart!

II may need to send something like this to some of my friends.

"Hey!  I know you're out there doing your thing, but a quick word from you would be nice.  No, Facebook posts are not the same."

My friends are probably thinking the same thing.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

For WHS Classmates and Friends Lynne, Carey, Patti, Roy, John, Walter, Mike, & Penny ('71)

and sisters Sheri ('70) & Karen ('72)

Dirge without Music by Edna St. Vincent Millay

I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.

So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind:

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Crowned with lilies and with laurel they go;

But I am not resigned.

Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you. Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.

A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew, A formula, a phrase remains, but the best is lost.

The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love, They are gone.

They are gone to feed the roses.

Elegant and curled Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom.

I know.  But I do not approve.

More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave.

Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;

Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.

I know.  But I do not approve.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

505 Circadian Rhythm

At the suggestion of my niece Heather, the purveyor of all health information for many of us, I listened to my first episode of Huberman Lab this morning.  I chose his March 2023 episode on Intermittent Fasting.

I was impressed.  I learned about time-restrictive eating, solidifying my belief that this is good for me.

Based on this podcast, I've made a few changes to my plan, adjusting it to circadian rhythm.

I'm looking forward to learning more from this guy.  His Sleep series with DR. Matt Walker is fantastic as well.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Fish Tacos

I'm a Fish Taco fan.  There is a Mexican restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, that creates what I call Gourmet Mexican.  Muchacho Alegre is not your basic Speedy Gonzales place; everything Chef/Owner Marco makes is amazing.

My three favorite dishes are the California Burrito, The Steak and Baked Potato, and the Fish Tacos.

Marco's Fish Tacos have spoiled me.  I have looked all over Virginia for something comparable.  I'm disappointed every time.  I have stopped ordering them anywhere other than Muchachos.

If you are in Lex Vegas or on I-81.  This place is worth a visit for the best steak in town, the biggest burrito I've ever seen, and the Fish Tacos.

Seriously, get the Fish Tacos and dip them liberally in the sauce.

Friday, 12 April 2024

The Ecipse

Here Comes The Moon, da-da-da-da, and I say, It's Alright

This morning, I saw a graphic of how the eclipse will look here in Virginia.  The background instrumental was of an old song, Here Comes The Sun, by some bubble-gum group in the '60s.  Maybe it was the 1910 Fruitgum Company. Could have been the Archies.

What a stupid song choice.

The Sun will be up there, doing what it does.  As the Earth spins, it will cross the sky.  The MOON will be moving between the Earth and the Sun.

The MOON is ECLIPSING the Sun!

Today is a big day for Luna; don't spoil it for her by being ignorant.

Based on weather forecasts, Kady, SS, and I stayed home instead of driving to Indiana.  Well, as it turned out, Indiana was clear most of the day and during the event.

I'm not bummed about it.

We watched the show in our backyard and on NASA TV and then walked back into the house - no driving, no traffic, no hotel bills, and no crowds.

Kady made Burritos.

Then, I took a nap.

Monday, 8 April 2024

Cookie, a few Years Later.  What a loss.

Today reminded me of when Dad took my brother Don and me to Perry, Florida, to see the 7 March 1970 Eclipse.

About The 1970 Eclipse

Besides the name of the town, there are only a few things I remember about this trip - the day was completely overcast, the sky got dark and the birds went to roost, and I drove part of the way home while Dad slept.

Doing a little homework, I found that the eclipse was to begin at about 1340 EST.  The drive would have taken six hours back then, losing an hour when we left Alabama.  We probably left the house around 0400 that Saturday morning.

Though the eclipse was disappointing, the day was quality time with Dad.  He gave all three of his sons a love for the cosmos and was our finest teacher.

In my brother Jim's words - " I grew up in a household informed by my father's insatiable hunger for knowledge.  One of those that Tom Brokaw referred to as The Greatest Generation, veterans of the Second World War, he went to college on the GI Bill and his own enterprise.  After earning a degree in Physics he became a high school teacher.   . . . he left teaching when industry offered to double (his salary).  He continued to teach his sons . . .  Many nights were spent outside in the yard gazing through our telescope at the heavens, speculating about what lay beyond the earth.  We watched every televised NASA mission.  (We) loaded the car to drive to more advantageous sites to observe a solar eclipse or bundled up against the winter cold on the top of a mountain to gaze at every interloping comet that passed by. "

Monday, 8 April 2024

Angry American Music

Sometimes I glimpse how small my bubble is now that I'm retired.  Yesterday, I saw a news article about people trying to cancel singer, Aaron Rogers.  Of course, I looked him up and listened to his music.

This cat is saying all the things I have been thinking.  He's been out there a while but I am just discovering him.

You have to love a guy who calls out flag burners, Springsteen, monument removal, and pseudo-Americans who don't like America . . . in one song.

Friday, 5 April 2024

Bill The Cat for President

Let Me Get Political for a Moment

Seriously, America!  Is this the best we can do?  

Once again, we're left choosing between two evils - between two old men depriving their villages of good idiots.   These two ass-clowns have no business running a McDonald's much less a country.

However it goes this November, it is going to be a shit show.  We can expect four more rough years, from which we may never recover.

We need some real men and women of integrity to stand up, young people of principle and intelligence.  Statesmen.  Selfless Servants.  Where are our men like Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Reagan?

We need term limits.  We need AGE limits.  If there was ever a time when we needed a third party, now is the time.

I friggin' hate politics and politicians.  "America is Ill and so is Bill!"

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Can you spot the horses?

OK, so.  About all those Horses at Corolla

I am a Diane Lane fan. I watched Nights in Rodanthe.  Since then, I have wanted to see and photograph the wild horses on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  We planned a trip.


They are thirteen miles up the coast, around Carova Beach. You must take a tour or have a 4x4 vehicle. They are NOT in walking distance.

They feed in the swamps and dunes.  You can't go there.  

They mostly come down to the beach in warm weather as a respite from the insects.  They hang around the houses.  This is where the horse tour people find them.  Tours piss off the local homeowners who formed a "committee" to enforce the Horse Rules and No Trespassing areasHorse Tours Suck signs abound in these areas.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife considers the horses an invasive species. The locals love them as a tourist attraction.

The wild horse issue is a big ole mess. Go to Corolla for the beach, the birds, the bars, the food, and the OBX vibe.

Friday, 29 March 2024

Photo From the Web @ Fox54 News Huntsville

Auburn Wins SEC Championship

After destroying South Carolina by thirty-one points and beating Mississippi State by seven, Auburn beat Florida by nineteen points, clenching the SEC men's title.  It was fun to watch, except for the injury of Micah Handlogten; poor kid.  Good Luck to him.

So - 4-seed Auburn will play 13-seed Yale this Friday.

Later:  We lost to Yale.  Great Season.

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Put This on Your Phone

Here is another app that I find handy -

LightMeter by David Quiles works with your phone's amazing internal light meter to give you spot and area readings, helping you choose settings to expose that first camera photograph, first time, every time.

It is available on the Google Play Store and The Apple App Store.  Thank me later.

Friday, 15 March 2024

Get You a Bunch of These

Ferro makes these little nuggets for the gods, but you can get them from Amazon.  Don't sweat the price, they are worth every penny.

I discovered these when we stayed at Hotel Peter and Paul in NOLA.

They are little bits of heaven made of milk chocolate and bittersweet dark chocolate, with a super sweet liquid espresso center, and sprinkled with fairy dust.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Hello, It's Me

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Is anyone reading my site?  I could go to my site's Reports to see how many Clicks it is getting, but that would be like worrying about how many Likes I get on a Facebook post.

Every day, I am reminded that this site is great for ME.  It lets me write, burn off steam, and record my days so that I can look back.  It is a place to hang my photos and document my family research.

That it is posted and Out There, is enough.  Like a cat in an internet box, it waits to be opened. 

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Simona Wins, Again!

Finally, the Court of Arbitration in Sports has cleared Simona Halep for Immediate Return to Play and awarded her 20,000 Swiss Francs from the ITIA, idiots that they are, for her legal fees.

My boycott of Professional Tennis can end.

Her Instagram Post - Here

Her first Match was in Miami against Badosa.  Paula won, but my Simona played well.  This may take a while.

Wednesday, 6 March 2024Updated Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Dune 2

I highly recommend this great movie.  This second installment of the movie was thrilling.  It must be seen on the big screen.  Don't wait.  Long Live The Fighters!

" . . . take the most special care that you locate Muad'Dib in his place . . . Arrakis, the planet known as Dune, is forever his place." ~ Princess Irulan

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Cheating Death

Radiolab is in decline.  

In their 9 February episode, producer Maria Paz Gutiérrez explores ways to cheat death, putting together a team of experts to tell us why she can't.  The episode repeatedly asks the question - Why do we have to die?

Let me save us all some time here - We will die.  There is no getting around that fact. All things die - plants, animals, people, stars . . . even the Universe.  It is the circle of life.

Why not name the episode You're All Gonna Die and This is Why?

Dear Radiolab.

Stop trying to be clever.  Listen to Argentine Invasion to remind yourself of what you once were.  Come Back To Me!

P.S. I rate Ingmar Bergman's Seventh Seal right up there with Planet Nine From Outer Space and Dudley Moore's 1979 The Hound of the Baskervilles as The Worst Movies Ever.

Friday, 1 March 2024

Photo by my niece,  @heatherhoskin

Sky-gazing at Seventy-One

MY sister-in-law asked me for my help with two things while we were in Peoria, AZ - Fix her telescope and show her how to work her new camera. 

The camera, a Canon EOS R, was easy.  All I had to do was charge it and then show her where the controls were in the menu.  To facilitate her first shoot in Jerome the next day, I set the ISO for 100, the White Ballance for sunlight, and set the mode to Program.  She's a fine, school-trained photographer, so I knew camera settings would come naturally to her as she went along.

The Telescope was a different matter.  Her great-grandchildren had knocked it over and parts were everywhere.  Once I had it repaired and reassembled, I aimed it at Jupiter and then the moon, showing everyone in the family.  Both were straight up, so I spent time on the ground, aiming.

The old bones are NOT made for refractor telescopes unless I can get them on a table or something high.  This is why I use a Reflector Scope.

This scope is pretty amazing.  It can mount a cell phone on its side for objective finding and it comes with a mount to take photos with a phone camera.

I took this daylight moon shot with it - adjusted with PS Elements 2024.

Sunday, 16 February 2024

Per Chance A Burger

I had my first In-nd-Out Burger in Texas when I took the Trap and Skeet Team to College Station for a Shoot.  That year, we had a young lady, Chance, from Washington and Lee University on the team.  She was from California.

After I picked up the team at DFW, she insisted on stopping at In-and-Out for dinner.

Winner!  Everyone loved it.

Since then, I go there every time I'm out West.  I crave them.  Since the demise of Milo Burgers, these are my favorite chain burgers.

I wrote to Chance, @chancemillie, to say Thank You.  She wrote right back, envious.  She lives in Tampa.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

On the set of Giant, 1955/6 with her Rolleiflex

Elizabeth Taylor, Photographer

The Hotel Paisano in Marfa, Texas, has hung Movie Stills and candid photos from the making of the 1963 movie Giant throughout the halls.  This one caught my eye.

Rock and Liz are sitting on the hood of a car.  She is holding a Twin Lens Reflex (TLR).  Googling, I found other photos of her with the Rolleiflex.  Good Choice, Ms. Taylor.

I'm trying to find examples of her photography work.

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Photos from the Web of Elizabeth Taylor with Camera.  Wow


While discussing with Kady the issues that divide us as Americans, I had a thought.  What if we treated each issue like a computer problem?

That will only work if we look at each issue logically and remove religion, emotion, and prejudices from the equation.  First, we set our default position.  Next, we apply conditions (If This, Then That) for inevitable circumstances.

I need to think each out and frame them as Decision Matrixes, something like this -

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

I could keep going, I think you get my drift.

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Watch Jesse Stone

I consider the Jessie Stone movies Tom Sellick's best work.

Based on the novels by the late Robert B. Parker, the shows tell the story of the police chief in the fictional Maine coastal town of Paradise.  Chief Stone is a tough-as-nails cop, unbound by strict adherence to the law, who struggles with his alcoholism and his destructive relationship with his ex-wife.

Jesse is a good detective, a crack shot with his 1911, loves younger women, hates bullies, and has a soft spot in his heart for little kids and dogs.  The Music of Jeff Beal sets the tone for this series.  You'll see what I mean.

Amazon Prime offers the entire series.

Begin with Night Passage.  Next are Stone Cold, Death in Paradise, Sea Change, Thin Ice, No Remorse, Innocents Lost, Benefit of the Doubt, and Lost in Paradise.  Then, you can wait with the rest of us for Episode Ten, which Hallmark has been promising since 2015.  Last I read, Tom says he's "working on it."

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Write that Shit, Poet Boy!

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments; love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove.

O no, it is an ever-fixèd mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wand'ring bark

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come.

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom:

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

~ W. Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Türk Kahve by Can Baba

For years, I have been trying to perfect my Turkish coffee.  I've had the taste down for a while, but I have had no success with the foam on top.

I fixed that this morning.

I had Kady order a can of Kurkahve Mehmet Efendi Turkish Kahve from Amazon. Opening the can let me know I had made a wise choice; it filled the whole kitchen with a rich coffee smell.  It took me back to my favorite coffee shop, Matisse, across from my apartment.

I added two heaping tablespoons of Turkish ground coffee, one sugar cube, and two Demitasse cups of cool water in my Cezve.  I added slow heat and got the most beautiful foam.

I spooned the foam into my little cup, reheated the mix, and poured the coffee slowly.  Success.  Holy Cow!  I should open a shop.  I'm super proud of myself.  Oh.  I didn't make a mess, which should keep Kady happy.  She warned me.

Note: Can Baba means Father John, the nickname my younger Turk friends gave me in 2001.

Tuesday, 23 February 2024


Since the demise of David Beaird's Fox TV show, Key West, I have been looking for anything similar to watch.  I loved the show, not just because it was in the Keys, but for the weird cast of characters.

I still watch it.  I have never found anything like it.

Yesterday, I read an article comparing Key West to Northern Exposure, the CBS series running from 1990 - 1995.  This show began when I was in England and was two seasons old when I returned to the States from Turkiye.  I never watched it.

I found the whole series on Prime last night and watched the first two episodes.

Thirty-four years after the fact, I'm hooked.

It doesn't make me want to go live in Alaska, though.

Sunday, 21 January 2024

You Smell like COOKIES!

Native has the fragrance that everyone wants - Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies!

Goodbye, Chanel, Dior, and Gucci.  Farewell, Yves Saint Laurent and Dolce & Gabbana.  It sucks to be YOU, Versace, and Louis Vuitton.

My wife pointed this product out in Target.  Holy Cow, what a brilliant idea!  Kady doesn't get it and calls it stupid. 

But Why?  Who wouldn't want to smell like COOKIES?  Especially Thin Mint Cookies?  I told her she might as well get on board with the idea because she was getting Native Thin Mint body products for her birthday.  I want HER to smell like cookies.

I shouldn't use these products; I'm too attractive, already.  Imagine if I smelled like cookies.

Friday, 19 January 2024

Harb's Turkey Sandwich by John

When we first moved to Lexington, there was a small sandwich shop on Washington Street called Harb's.  It became a family favorite.  After trying other things on their menu, I fell for their Turkey Sandwich.  When Harb's closed, I began making their sandwich.  It is pretty simple.


Thursday, 18 January 2024

Death by Sugar

My daughter suggested we get a cake from Milk Bar in New York for my birthday.

Don't do that.  Ever.

The Cake looked amazing, though it either suffered from its trip or was assembled by Milk Bar's least talented employee.  Those tater-tot-looking things, we found out, are sugary dough tots.  Well, that's what we called them.

The instructions said 1/15th of the cake was a portion and a little over 100 calories.  OK.  How do you cut a round cake into 15ths?  Higher Math!  We opted for four diagonal cuts, dividing the cake into 8ths.

The first few bites were good.  Everyone agreed.  Then the comments turned.  "This is too rich."  "OMG, I can't eat all of this."  "My Teeth Hurt."

I'm no quitter.  I ate all of mine.  By the time I was finished, the massive amounts of sugar in this thing hit me.  I was shaking all over.  My brain felt like it was about to erupt.  I began pounding water, brushed my teeth, and took a Ranitidine.  My headache subsided after about an hour but I was wide awake until Midnight.

The next morning, Kady sent me this - Marked Safe after Milk Bar Birthday Cake

I gave her instructions for future birthdays - Make me a Lemon Jello Cake or buy a small white-on-white birthday cake from Harris-Teeter.

Monday, 5 January 2024

Vignette by

If you're an Android user, there is a photo effects application that I recommend - Vignette.  Though it has a number of fun filters, I use it to take Black and White photos with my phone.  It does a fantastic job, giving my shots an Ilford feel.

Ilford has always been my favorite monochromatic film.

The shot at the right is unadjusted.  Admittedly, the lighting was perfect - early afternoon in January, cloudless sky, and the sunny side of the street.

You can find this app in the Google Store.  Sorry, iPhone people, this is not for you but my local iPhone person says she has filters for B&W.

Monday, 8 January 2024


I'm almost ten years behind the power curve with this post, but I just finished Season 1 of Fargo on Hulu.  My son and daughter-in-law have been telling me to watch it forever.  They know how much I loved the movie.

During our coffee date this past Wednesday, KS sold me by telling me Billy Bob Thornton starred as the bad guy.  I went straight home and binged it.

Just Finished.

It was amazing.  If you've watched it, you know what I'm on about.  If you haven't, you should watch it now.  Don't wait ten years.

I'm going to begin Season 2 tomorrow.  It could be a while before another post.

Thursday, 4 January 2024

I finished seasons two, three, and four over ten days.  Two and Three were great.  Season four was not.  It was uninteresting.  I found someone each season I could cheer for, like Nikki.  Not season four.  I struggled to finish it, wanting more Juno Temple in season five.

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Beginning the New Year RIGHT!

I went to bed at about 10 pm last night, slept in, and wished The Girl Happy New Year this morning.  

I had eggs, grits, and bacon for breakfast, just like Baw Paw Lee taught me to eat them when I was a little boy.  I went for a walk in the cold.

I will spend the rest of my New Year's Day with Kady, in front of our fireplace, and watching football from my reading chair.  What could be better?

Happy 2024

Monday, 1 January 2024